The New Multimedia Storytelling

It's not news that people all over are experimenting with how to tell more visual stories online and on screens. One might say that this has been going on since the birth of the personal computer and then the internet, but there is definitely a new age just beginning. I think Nancy is at the forefront in her way, but I would have to say that the New York Times is leading the pack in their way. They are still the masters at visual journalism and visualizing data, but they have also been experimenting with multimedia storytelling for longform articles. It started with a story called Snow Fall, and has been followed up with similar (and in my view more successful) pieces such as The Jockey and A Game of Shark and Minnow.

Snow Fall, which the New York Times worked on supposedly for a whole year, received a lot of praise and criticism, and in the end the consensus is that it wasn't entirely successful. But that's not the point. It's the experimentation and the willingness to explore new storytelling techniques that is keeping The New York Times and people like Nancy Duarte at the forefront. 


on 2013-11-21 16:07 by Nolan Haims's ATL24: A Day in the Life at the Atlanta Airport

Great (and similar idea), but the navigation on this one was really difficult for me...


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